There is an old saying that every picture tells a story. Live the truth of that saying in the game Dixit, in which lovingly crafted pictures shape stories that you tell. Winner of the 2010 Spiel des Jahres award for Game of the Year, Dixit can be played with three to six players, and is suitable for adults and children, family and friends, and anyone with whom you share a common language.
In this game of imagination and creative guesswork, players take turns playing the storyteller, telling a brief story based on a picture card. As the storyteller, you select a card from your hand, play it facedown, and speak a word, phrase, or sentence represented by the picture. The others play facedown the picture card from their own hand which best represents, to them, what you’ve said. The cards are shuffled and revealed, and each player votes for the image that they think inspired the storyteller’s brief tale.
If all players correctly guess the storyteller’s card, everyone but the storyteller earns two points. If only a few players guess it, then they and the storyteller earn three points. In that case, every player, including the storyteller, earns a point per vote that their card received so that the most imaginative matches between pictures and words are rewarded no matter who made them.
As storyteller, you don’t want to exactly describe the objects and creatures you see in these surreal, fantastical images. You want your words to convey more abstractly, or perhaps personally, what that image suggests, so that other players may be as creative with the cards they choose as you have been with your words.